For Colin …


I have heard
the big music
and I’ll never be the same
something so pure
just called my name

I have drowned
in the big sea
now I find I’m still alive
And I’m coming up forever
shadows all behind me
ecstacy to come

I have climbed the big tree
touched the big sky
I just stuck my
hand up in the air
and everything came into colour
like jazz manna
from sweet chariots

I have seen the big mountain
and I swear I’m halfway there
– You’ll never get there
you’ll never get there
you’ll never get there
– But I will
I will always climb the mountain
because I have heard the big music
and I’ll never be the same
Something so pure
has called
my name

From the album ‘A Pagan Place’ by The – inimitable and awesome – Waterboys.

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For meetome services.

Mandy Evans Ewing

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